For millennia tales have been told of creatures with the fantastic ability to shed their skin and take on another form, selkies and lycanthropes for example. Various gods and goddesses often changed shape, the Morrigan most often as a Crow or Raven, but also a heifer, eel and wolf. Loki became a horse, fish and hawk.
There are ritual traditions around the world and through out history, of shamans transforming into animals. Through ceremonial drumming, dancing, chanting and/or the use of plant spirits, one can shift their consciousness and experience the world through the eyes of their animal spirit guides.
Shapeshifting can offer strong communion with our animal spirit guides and powerful insight through their perspective. It can also be employed to give a safer and/or faster means of travel in the Otherworld when hedge-riding.
Shapeshifting does not always have to be shamanic in nature. The ability to consciously shift your energies for greater spiritual awareness and vibrate on a divine level is a type of shapeshift.
Herbs of crowberry, coltsfoot, mugwort, skullcap, yarrow, wild dagga, juniper berries, and cloves offer focus and transformative energies.
15ml dropper bottle.